Christy Altomare (Anya), Cody Simpson (Dmitry), Constantine Germanacos (Gleb), Vicki Lewis (Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Penny Fuller (Dowager Empress), Delilah Rose Pellow (Little Anastasia/Alexei Romanov), Allison Walsh (Olga Romanov/Odette in Swan Lake), Kyle Brown (Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake), Janet Dickinson (Countess Gregory), Molly Rushing (Young Anastasia/Paulina), Matt Wiercinski (Von Rothbart in Swan Lake), Wes Hart (Doorman), Ken Krugman (Gorlinsky/Count Leopold), Shina Ann Morris (Tatiana Romanov/Dunya), Gail Bennett (Tsarina Alexandra), Tally Sessions (Count Ipolitov/Tsar Nicholas II/Count Gregory). Maria Briggs (Maria Romanov/Marfa), Jennifer Smith (Ensemble), Colby Dezelick (Ensemble), Justin Scott Brown (Ensemble)
- Size: 9.40 GB
- Quality: B+
- Master:
Notes: Closing Performance! Video is very obstructed at parts due to the insane crowd there, but there are some nice captured moments including Journey to the Past. First act starts around when Anya meets Dmitry and the second act starts during “Crossing A Bridge.”