Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Christina Sajous (Sandy Cheeks), Gavin Lee (Squidward Q. Tentacles), Bryonha Marie Parham (The Mayor), Brian Ray Norris (Eugene Krabs), Wesley Taylor (Sheldon Plankton), Katie Lee Hill (Karen the Computer), Jai’len Christine Li Josey (Pearl Krabs), Kelvin Moon Loh (Perch Perkins), Tom Kenny (Patchy the Pirate), Allan K Washington (Gary/Larry the Lobster), Abby C Smith (Mrs. Puff), JC Schuster (Old Man Jenkins), Tom Kenny (French Narrator)
- Size: 7.96 GB
- Quality: A+
Notes: A televised recording of the show with the most of OBC. Numerous cuts and changes have been made from the Broadway production most notably the set design (scaled-down). Featuring Tom Kenny (voice of Spongebob) as Patchy the Pirate. File information varies across traders.