William Valdez (Danny Zuko), Paula D’ Leon (Sandy Dumbrowski), Isbo (Kenickie), Mafer Paola (Betty Rizzo), Pia Castro (Frenchy), Mariana Rodriguez (Jan), Francisco Salgado (Doody), Gabriel Campa (Roger), Gisella Raudry (u/s Marty), Marco Ramirez (Sonny), Marcelo Carraro (Teen Angel), Alejandro Ibarra (Vince Fontaine), Zoe Ma (Patty Simcox), James Montes (Eugene), Mariana Pierta (Miss Lynch), Gibran Avila (Johnny Casino)
- Size: 5.22 GB
- Quality: A
- Master: MozartWasCrazy
Notes: Mafer, Isbo & William’s last performance. Filmed with a mix of medium, wides & closeups without any obstruction, a bit of wandering and one or two small dropouts with little to no washout. Mic & set issues making some transitions a bit awkwardly long. Not For Trade