Danny Harris Kornfeld (Mark Cohen), Kaleb Wells (Roger Davis), Skyler Volpe (Mimi Márquez), David Merino (Angel Dumott Schunard), Aaron Harrington (Tom Collins), Katie LaMark (Maureen Johnson), Jasmine Easler (Joanne Jefferson), Christian Thompson (Benjamin Coffin III), Futaba Shioda (Alexi Darling and others), Natalie Lipin (Mark’s mom and others), Sammy Ferber (Gordon/Mr. Grey), John Devereaux (Mr. Jefferson/Soloist #2 and others), Alia Hodge (Mrs. Jefferson/Soloist #1 and others), Timothy McNeill (Paul and others), Jordan Long (Steve and others)
- Size: 6.78 GB
- Quality: A
- Master: kradder32
Notes: 20th Anniversary National Tour